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Get The Difference Between Entrance Control Vs Access Control

Whenever you consider searching for the ‘access control’ and ‘entrance control’ in Google, you get almost similar results. But, there are many differences between them which are needed to be understood well. This is necessary before you shop for a security system that specifically prevents unauthorized pedestrian access.

Here are given some of the important difference between these two:

Access Control

This is generally used to describe a particular system which helps to perform the identification of the users along with authentication of their credentials. Also, it helps to decide whether or not the bearer of those credentials is permitted admission.

So, this could either be a logical or physical asset. You can easily get the availability of the best Access Control Systems Kenya.

Both of these logical and physical access control helps to regulate who or what can exactly access the restricted areas. But, the logical access control is proved to be helpful as it helps to restrict virtual access to specific data, computer networks, and digital resources.

On the other hand, the physical access control specifically restricts actual pedestrian football to rooms, buildings along with other tangible assets.

Entrance Control

The access control specifically verifies authorized personnel by making use of their credentials i.e. their fingerprints, face, key card, PIN number, etc. Along with that, it decides whether or not they are permitted access.

On the other hand, the entrance control is considered to be such a system that enforces that particular decision by either remaining closed to bar entry along with potentially raising an alarm or opening to allow specific users to cross a threshold.

Access Control And Entrance Control Working Together

Specifically, access to a particular door can be controlled by fitting a card reader and an electronic lock. But, you no longer have certain control over who or how many of the people pass through it as soon as the door is open.

So, both the access control and entrance control work together for optimum security. Also, the entrance control system helps to enhance the use of the access control system. This makes the system more efficient and value for money.

Final Words

So, it is seen that both of them cannot efficiently operate without each other and therefore, two of them i.e. access control and entrance control are considered to be complementary to each other.

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